In 2003, the Punjab government, led by then-Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervez Elahi, established UOG on the vacant land adjoining the shrine of saint Hafiz Muhamad Hayat, who lived in the Mughal period.Going to the University from Service Chowk, you have to muscle your way through the waves of tongas, rickshaws and animal drawn carts till you cross District Courts. From there travel 15 kilometers on Jalalpur Jattan Road till the University. Gujrat is a last fertile district before expanse of Punjab transform into low hills known as the Pabbi. Commute on a single way metallic Jalalpur Jattan Road, plied mainly by overloaded old vintage busses, tractors, animal transport and milkmen on the motorbikes. Besides driving slowly, close to the edge of road and avoiding tractors with overloaded trolleys behind, you ride through endless expanses of waving crops of different shades of color, out of which the small villages and deras seem to rise like islets in an ocean of green. After the harvest all is changed: the dull brown of the fields is relieved by the trees, solitary or in groves and avenues.
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